Word of the Day


1. Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn object.
1. Any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
2. A humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, striptease acts. and a scantily clad female chorus.

Love today is part of a sad burlesque called life!


Crystal Ball, Crystal Ball

Crystal ball crystal ball... Save us all, tell me life is beautiful...

Sometimes I wonder, if there were a crystal ball that we can look into to see the future, see the past, see the present. We are always looking for answers, trying to solve equasions, wondering what if and what not. If we did in some magical ways using a crystal ball, or even a magic 8-ball, knew the answers to everything, will it be the answer that made it happen or what happened that made the answer.

I'd like to believe in believing, in the unanswered. I'd also like to believe that everyone has a crystal ball that reveals the insides of their souls. Whether that crystal is "crystal clear" or not is totally up to the person carying it.

"He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass."
Edgar R. Fiedler

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