Word of the Day


1. Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn object.
1. Any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
2. A humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, striptease acts. and a scantily clad female chorus.

Love today is part of a sad burlesque called life!


First Come, First Serve

Ever felt that the world has nothing new? Let me rephrase that... Ever wanted to invent something new and have found it to be already in existence?

If you are a born genius, STOP READING. If your are normal like me, proceed to check out.

People are always in search of new ways to come up with something innovative and make money out of it. But in 2010, it is merely impossible to do so unless you are Bill Gates or similar. Every other good idea has already been done and taken. There are a million bakeries, a million restaurants, a million coat hangers, and a gazillion paper clips. What is left is an even harder task to take that clay dough and make something new out of it, which you'll find out in the end, already exists on the other side of the globe.

It should no longer be called a "dog eat dog world". It is now simply "fist come, first serve world". So hurry in and get your piece of this lovely world we call our home.

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