We dress up, dress down, casual smart, casual, soirée, beach chic, comfortable chic... etc, but have we ever stopped to wonder what is underneath it all? Behind every dress up and dress down what lies beneath that layer of cloth that separates your skin and the outside world?
I, personally, dress to emotion. I feel good i'll dress good, I feel sloppy i'll dress sloppy, and sometimes i get the occasional 'I need to feel good about myself' so i'll dress up accordingly. So what if clothes became an analysis point that psychology neglected and the read the body language books failed to mention.
If there were such a book, i'd write it. Careful analysis to a person's wardrobe gives great insight into a person's life. Take for instance, matchy matchy people: they are usually people who pick items according to color and theme, and never fail to notice even the tiniest detail like the color of the stitches in their underwear. The outcome of their outfits is usually a big tree or I heart RED, but this attention to detail is indeed a great indication to what they are like. These people not only have great attention to detail, but also have insecurities and most probably OCD to some level. They are perfectionists and idealists who are usually pretty harsh on themselves and sometimes low in self esteem.
Regardless of what is already known about people dressing their emotions, on some level, the hidden messages need to be read, especially those of the normal people. Emo and Goth dress dark and sad, rockstars dress flashy and glamourous, the rich and famous dress like the rich and famous but they all have one thing in common: they do not do it so subtly. The rest of us "normal" people, deserve some attention even if we don't end up on the cover of Vogue.
Maybe this could be the next break through in human analysis and being able to read a person without personal contact. Or maybe its just pure coincidence when the drier shrunk all my clothes and left me with this ensemble. Never the less it should be looked into and noticed.
Dear Vogue: Writing a book on outfit analysis will fly off the shelves BIG TIME.
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