Word of the Day


1. Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn object.
1. Any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
2. A humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, striptease acts. and a scantily clad female chorus.

Love today is part of a sad burlesque called life!



Imagine going through life with a blindfold on? Would we survive or we wind up in man made manholes in the streets, falling off buildings, walking into a mine field? But then again, these hazardous ways of dyeing are all man made. If we were all blind or blindfolded, would we be able to make these buildings? streets? cars? or know the time?

Sight is a given gift from God that is like two sides of a sword. There's a theory that for every existing bad thing is a counter cure or opposite that either exists or needs to be discovered. They're still working on cancer aren't they? So what if sight is a weapon to fight off harm. If you see a nail on the floor, you won't step on it.

But what if what is most harmful to us humans is things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. I'm not talking about tiny viruses stuck on a toilet seat, I'm talking about this that we never see coming. It usually come from other humans that we see all the time but they hit you like that bus you've never seen coming.

There are two sides of the moon. One we see and we can't. There are also two sides of people just like the moon. Literally and metaphorically speaking. One's eye can only see one side of everything, no matter how dimensional it is. There is always that other side of the bottle u cannot see, and physically speaking, you can never see the other side at the same time. What if this became a rule of thumb: There are to sides of a person, what you see and what you can't is not determined by your ability to see, but to their ability to show. As a second rule to that rule of thumb; see not only what you see, but also see the exact opposite.

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