Think about it! How many heartbreaks and tears can a person go through? It seems to me that a person endures enough pain throughout one lifetime and the repetition of that just seems idiotic.
If life would have a plot-line, it will go as follows: (* indicates estimated level of endured pain)
Teenager **
Young Adult ***
Adult *****
Older Adult ******
Even Older Adult *******
DeaD -----
I am sure that plot-line is not meant to be put on repeat for sound reasons. A person can only live once and that is more than enough. Even though some experience life in more ways than other, it is still life, and life comes with lots and lots of add-on problems, as well as good times. What defines living a life if a person is living it.
Take Edward Scissorhands for example. A story of a man-made man that feels and lives, yet cannot die for he is a machine. He lived on forever ALONE is sorrow for he cannot go through life as a normal person. If the ending changed and he stayed with the one he loved, she'll get old and die. And then what? He lives on alone forever remembering his love? Or does he find another and go through that cycle again? Makes you wonder.
Even though at a certain age, everyone starts thinking that they need more time, or a time machine to do things differently, but does living on forever make things any better? Does becoming a Vampire or a machine make us any better? As long as we feel, it is only necessary to live that one life and stop at the end.
So live life the way you ought to, the way you want to, stop looking for that everlasting feeling because nothing good lasts forever, and every good thing comes to an END.

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