For a VERY long time, all I have been attracted to in shopping is shoes. Ah shoes shoes shoes!!
Even though, feet are almost the last thing you look at when you see a person (NOT ME), it seems to be very important now-a-days. With all the Christian Louboutin’s and Manolo Blanik’s around, you’d be crazy not to notice feet!
As if the world wasn’t material enough as it was to begin with, now, literarily, you are judged from head to toe. And I LOVE IT.
The way I see it, shoes will never betray you! You lose weight, they fit, you gain weight, and they fit! They do break hearts, or feet for that matter, but, nevertheless, they are the common link between you and the ground. And for that, it should be given the respect of such a highly position.
Maybe they are the only piece of clothing that does make sense.

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