“Girls don’t like boys girls like cars and money”!
Ever since mankind existed, or ever since it became civilized, the battle of the sexes has always been going through every person’s mind. Boys have always troubled girl’s heart and mind and girls have always troubled boy’s mind and heart (amongst other things). But who do you think has it bad?
Girls have always played the victims in every case, and boys were once victimized or pretended to be so, but how do you know who really has it right? They say that for every player, there’s a girl that broke his heart and turned him pro-footballer of human hearts. And behind every girl, there is a first crush, first love, first heartbreak, second, third … until the lesson is learned. So who started this cycle? Adam or Eve? Does a girl really love better than a boy does or is it the other way around? But the unavoidable question is: who knows what they really feel?
Every now and then, comes along a book that tries to unveil the true nature behind the women from Mars and men for Venus, or is it the other way around. “But a person is a person, no matter how small” should be kept in mind. I can barely comprehend the complexity and makings of one human being let alone a whole Gender! But then again, if we eliminate the general rules of thumb, how will we know what we know? Or is it because of the rule of thumb that the thumb moves in that direction?
If you look about it closely, we both have: a. brains, b. heart, c. emotions. The trick is what takes over the most. It has been commonly said that men use their heads to feel and vice versa, but that could be society’s training and manifestation of a commonly known dilemma that has troubled the sexes ever since Adam and Eve were created. Because we are told that we function this way, we function this way!
The human body, if trained correctly, can do almost anything it is commanded to do, unless it’s humanly and physically impossible. And since emotions and heart, are all part of a human’s (boy & girl) anatomy, therefore, if trained properly it can feel and think the way it wants to. The opposite also applies, trained and trained incorrectly results in complicated messes that are the humans we have today.

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