After watching a move with that title, you can’t help but wonder, what if it really was an honest world where everyone knows only but to speak their minds and nothing else? Can we really handle it?
Set aside what the movie was telling about who found lying, in history, and in all religions, lying existed before mankind ever did.
In the Bible: In the New Testament, Jesus refers to the Devil as the father of lies.
In the Qur’an: first lie was told by the ‘Shaitan’ to Adam and Eve persuading them to eat the forbidden fruit.
In Pagan Methodology: In Gestaþáttr, Odin states that it is advisable, when dealing with "a false foe who lies," to tell lies oneself.
A lie is a lie, whether to oneself or to another self. It is the way it affects the person that matters. Some lies are called ‘white’ because they come from a good place. But, with the risk of sounding racist, what’s a bad lie? A black one? What defines a good lie or a bad lie, if in the end all are lies and manipulations of the truth? It is always lies that are associated with negative thought. Meanwhile the truth is more powerful and more hurtful than any lie ever told. However, because it is the TRUTH people have a good association with it even though an honest person can be the ‘bitch’ and the liar is the ‘friend’.
If puzzled with the decision of whether to be an honest person that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, remember that the truth is also undefined in terms of good or bad. !! As much as we all wish we could, we fail to accept reality even from our own perspectives. We lie to others and to our selves via excuses excuses excuses.
“Do I look fat in this dress?”
As a personal believer in living in a parallel universe where everything is or should be pretty, I cannot handle the truth when said. A hint of sarcasm or truth about myself is like slapping my with an elephant’s foot. When I ask how do I look I do expect good answers, not because I think highly of myself, but because I need to hear those little white re-assuring lies. Regardless of me ever finding out the truth about it, I long for it.
Us as humans long for acceptance and comfort, which is why reality doesn’t work. But when reality isn’t working, is falsity really any better?
When labeling someone as a “liar” or staying at home with a box of tissue and a bucket of ice-cream because your boyfriend “lied”, keep this in mind:
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