In old ancient days, gravity was undefined, and every theory was challenged by the next not-so-smart one. But what do you do when the apple has already fallen and you simply cannot defy the final verdict. What if, gravity is actually the opposite of gravity, it’s not pulling the apple towards the ground, the sky is pushing it away and everything placed on this planet is in its perfect equilibrium.
After centuries of scientific evolution, gravity today is defined as follows: A natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract one another.
Put aside the, of inverse-square law, the equivalence principle, the quantum gravity and relativity, relatively speaking, gravity is a definition of the relationship of a rock to the moon. However, that definition is somewhat solid, even though one cannot be in the place of a rock to know what it is, and one cannot be the earth, the sun, the starts, and the moon to explain what they feel.
It has already taken centuries and perhaps millenniums to figure out that the earth is attracted to the sun and goes around in semi-circles (thank you AGORA). We, humans, regardless of our uncertainties about the universe surrounding us, somehow are very certain about feelings and relationships towards the rest of mankind. One is sweet, one is racist, one is huge, and one is shameless… etc. but these definitions and variable and like any other theory, is either proven right or proven wrong.
But why is it that we need to define everything going on? Why does a person need to know that this moment is happy, next one is sad, his heart is broken, and that girl is bad? It’s all a matter of trying to understand what needs not to be understood.
If gravity theories are applied to us humans, since we are walking masses and are part of this universe, then perhaps everything we experience is just a scientific theory and it is just a matter of time until it is proven correctly. We are relative to one another, we are defined, and we even have ‘chemistry’.
The Invention of Lying
After watching a move with that title, you can’t help but wonder, what if it really was an honest world where everyone knows only but to speak their minds and nothing else? Can we really handle it?
Set aside what the movie was telling about who found lying, in history, and in all religions, lying existed before mankind ever did.
In the Bible: In the New Testament, Jesus refers to the Devil as the father of lies.
In the Qur’an: first lie was told by the ‘Shaitan’ to Adam and Eve persuading them to eat the forbidden fruit.
In Pagan Methodology: In Gestaþáttr, Odin states that it is advisable, when dealing with "a false foe who lies," to tell lies oneself.
A lie is a lie, whether to oneself or to another self. It is the way it affects the person that matters. Some lies are called ‘white’ because they come from a good place. But, with the risk of sounding racist, what’s a bad lie? A black one? What defines a good lie or a bad lie, if in the end all are lies and manipulations of the truth? It is always lies that are associated with negative thought. Meanwhile the truth is more powerful and more hurtful than any lie ever told. However, because it is the TRUTH people have a good association with it even though an honest person can be the ‘bitch’ and the liar is the ‘friend’.
If puzzled with the decision of whether to be an honest person that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, remember that the truth is also undefined in terms of good or bad. !! As much as we all wish we could, we fail to accept reality even from our own perspectives. We lie to others and to our selves via excuses excuses excuses.
“Do I look fat in this dress?”
As a personal believer in living in a parallel universe where everything is or should be pretty, I cannot handle the truth when said. A hint of sarcasm or truth about myself is like slapping my with an elephant’s foot. When I ask how do I look I do expect good answers, not because I think highly of myself, but because I need to hear those little white re-assuring lies. Regardless of me ever finding out the truth about it, I long for it.
Us as humans long for acceptance and comfort, which is why reality doesn’t work. But when reality isn’t working, is falsity really any better?
When labeling someone as a “liar” or staying at home with a box of tissue and a bucket of ice-cream because your boyfriend “lied”, keep this in mind:
Baby Popping Machines
If this were a parallel universe, things would be different. Nothing that “makes sense” in the ‘we know all about it’ relationships between the sexes. If mankind was just doing it’s survival purposes and mate, in a whole new different way.
There would be three different types of people, including two different types of women. This did not include gay or straight. It simply meant: donor or surrogate. You’d think it would be a perfect world, one where women did not have to deal with insecurities about their looks or making their personalities better. It was all about having a fertile egg or not. This world can be around anything, without sex, just popping babies.
The mother company: this is the company that controls the world! It arranges who does what. If you want to use your imagination a little wilder, its all a bunch of nerdy scientists and controlling communists who organized the planet. Their only purpose is to keep mankind alive, unless aliens decided to attack.
The surrogate home: the place that keeps mankind alive. This is where women who decide to be surrogate mothers live, and are paid for it.
Donor women: who’s sole purpose is to keep their perfectly healthy eggs as best as can be, donate it, and move on.
Men: this is where they can have their “perfect world”. Their only two choices would be: to have sexual intercourse with the surrogate mothers in order to fertilize that egg, or just to jack off into a cup that he will never have to see again.
If you still can’t see where this is going, I’ll make it clearer. The company, keeps it all under control. They accommodate housing and everything that life requires from a woman that is willing to take a baby to full term and have it. They then see the sex of the baby, if it’s egg material or surrogate material, and divide it accordingly. This baby, being female of course, grows up into the life she is destined to have. If that baby had been born male, that baby would grow into the world doing what he does best in the other universe, make money, which will eventually end up in the mother company to fund future baby producing procedures that keeps the world alive.
Think about this! Women wouldn’t have to worry about what they look like or how fat they get. Heck, they can be fat pig like creatures roaming the world. Scratch that. They can be fat pig like creatures that don’t have to move an inch.
Surrogate mothers are the labor workers, literarily. Of course, since they have the most important job on the planet, they are the key to life, and the most expensive key as well. Finally: they get appreciated and paid for what they have been doing for decades, centuries, even millenniums. Ah, in a perfect world.
This leaves you thinking: does this world make sense. Even if it does, does it really?! Does life have meaning without its little butterflies in my stomach oh he’s so cutes? Would life be better without family, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, boyfriends, girlfriends, and all the works? No Disneyland? No Cinderella stories? No breakfast at tiffany’s?
Of course life wouldn’t be meaningful in this world, but it would be the solution to every problem every man and women on this planet has ever complained about since the begging of mankind. But is it worth it?
Boys & Girls ?
“Girls don’t like boys girls like cars and money”!
Ever since mankind existed, or ever since it became civilized, the battle of the sexes has always been going through every person’s mind. Boys have always troubled girl’s heart and mind and girls have always troubled boy’s mind and heart (amongst other things). But who do you think has it bad?
Girls have always played the victims in every case, and boys were once victimized or pretended to be so, but how do you know who really has it right? They say that for every player, there’s a girl that broke his heart and turned him pro-footballer of human hearts. And behind every girl, there is a first crush, first love, first heartbreak, second, third … until the lesson is learned. So who started this cycle? Adam or Eve? Does a girl really love better than a boy does or is it the other way around? But the unavoidable question is: who knows what they really feel?
Every now and then, comes along a book that tries to unveil the true nature behind the women from Mars and men for Venus, or is it the other way around. “But a person is a person, no matter how small” should be kept in mind. I can barely comprehend the complexity and makings of one human being let alone a whole Gender! But then again, if we eliminate the general rules of thumb, how will we know what we know? Or is it because of the rule of thumb that the thumb moves in that direction?
If you look about it closely, we both have: a. brains, b. heart, c. emotions. The trick is what takes over the most. It has been commonly said that men use their heads to feel and vice versa, but that could be society’s training and manifestation of a commonly known dilemma that has troubled the sexes ever since Adam and Eve were created. Because we are told that we function this way, we function this way!
The human body, if trained correctly, can do almost anything it is commanded to do, unless it’s humanly and physically impossible. And since emotions and heart, are all part of a human’s (boy & girl) anatomy, therefore, if trained properly it can feel and think the way it wants to. The opposite also applies, trained and trained incorrectly results in complicated messes that are the humans we have today.
L Words
Note: some of the most important words in life, interestingly enough starts with the letter L.
Live: to have life or stay alive
Life: the entire period during which somebody is, has been, or will yet be alive
Love: have sex with somebody, passionate attraction and desire, very strong affection, romantic affair, somebody much loved, strong liking, something eliciting enthusiasm, beloved, term of friendly address, God’s love for humanity, or worship of God, Score of zero!
Live and life, two words same concept. We live on this earth for an average of years depending on which part of the world you belong to. Had you been lucky, you live for 60 years give and take. However when living the life, what is the life you are living? Is it the life of the rich or famous, poor and needy, content and happy, holly and good, evil and bad… etc. what defines how good you’re living it and if you are really “living” it? Some might think happiness is what measures “living”, but how do you measure happiness?
On the same note, Love goes undefined in the dictionary still because it cannot be defined or put into words. It can only be felt some may say. This makes you wonder: how do you know what it is? In theory, it is a good feeling, but in reality, it might not be.
Feelings have always been tricky to define or describe in words. Even though efforts have been made constantly in order to have a solid definition of what is felt not defined, it is still almost impossible for language to be felt.
Live Life & Love !
Live: to have life or stay alive
Life: the entire period during which somebody is, has been, or will yet be alive
Love: have sex with somebody, passionate attraction and desire, very strong affection, romantic affair, somebody much loved, strong liking, something eliciting enthusiasm, beloved, term of friendly address, God’s love for humanity, or worship of God, Score of zero!
Live and life, two words same concept. We live on this earth for an average of years depending on which part of the world you belong to. Had you been lucky, you live for 60 years give and take. However when living the life, what is the life you are living? Is it the life of the rich or famous, poor and needy, content and happy, holly and good, evil and bad… etc. what defines how good you’re living it and if you are really “living” it? Some might think happiness is what measures “living”, but how do you measure happiness?
On the same note, Love goes undefined in the dictionary still because it cannot be defined or put into words. It can only be felt some may say. This makes you wonder: how do you know what it is? In theory, it is a good feeling, but in reality, it might not be.
Feelings have always been tricky to define or describe in words. Even though efforts have been made constantly in order to have a solid definition of what is felt not defined, it is still almost impossible for language to be felt.
Live Life & Love !
Shoes, Shoes, AH SHOES
For a VERY long time, all I have been attracted to in shopping is shoes. Ah shoes shoes shoes!!
Even though, feet are almost the last thing you look at when you see a person (NOT ME), it seems to be very important now-a-days. With all the Christian Louboutin’s and Manolo Blanik’s around, you’d be crazy not to notice feet!
As if the world wasn’t material enough as it was to begin with, now, literarily, you are judged from head to toe. And I LOVE IT.
The way I see it, shoes will never betray you! You lose weight, they fit, you gain weight, and they fit! They do break hearts, or feet for that matter, but, nevertheless, they are the common link between you and the ground. And for that, it should be given the respect of such a highly position.
Maybe they are the only piece of clothing that does make sense.
A New Year
A new year with a new beginning and a new set of values! At least that’s what everyone seems to think.
A new year's resolution? Maybe not! What we seem to fail to realize is that at the end of every year, we weigh out everything that’s bad in our life, and try to "quit" it, as if that is the only thing going wrong.
This year I'm going to:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
Just how many times do we have to do that year after year, and how many people actually accomplish one thing.
Next year I'm going to:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
and the year after that:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
If age, is only a number, then why does the world revolve around one "birth date" in a year. Is it because it is the only "birth date" everyone on the planet has in common: the day the earth was born? REALLY? What happened B.C.? Did they count down backwards? Or in this case, forwards?
I just believe that the set of goals set and accomplished on a daily basis are much more achievable than on a one year basis. Because, what happens is, that we try to have a LARGE number of values and goals to accomplish at the beginning of the year, then slowly shake most of them off due to excessive smoking/drinking/eating and no special people, and end up with a small number to carry over to the next year and therefore, diminishing important values and notes that get buried deep down under because of failure.
A new year's resolution? Maybe not! What we seem to fail to realize is that at the end of every year, we weigh out everything that’s bad in our life, and try to "quit" it, as if that is the only thing going wrong.
This year I'm going to:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
Just how many times do we have to do that year after year, and how many people actually accomplish one thing.
Next year I'm going to:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
and the year after that:
Lose 10 Kgs.
Quit Smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Quit Eating.
Be more adventurous.
and oh don’t forget: Find the "special" one.
If age, is only a number, then why does the world revolve around one "birth date" in a year. Is it because it is the only "birth date" everyone on the planet has in common: the day the earth was born? REALLY? What happened B.C.? Did they count down backwards? Or in this case, forwards?
I just believe that the set of goals set and accomplished on a daily basis are much more achievable than on a one year basis. Because, what happens is, that we try to have a LARGE number of values and goals to accomplish at the beginning of the year, then slowly shake most of them off due to excessive smoking/drinking/eating and no special people, and end up with a small number to carry over to the next year and therefore, diminishing important values and notes that get buried deep down under because of failure.
Senseless Sense
Everyone tries to make his or her own understanding and way of life. The trick is, how well does that person really understand it?!
I personally do not get a lot of things in life. And I do believe that a lot of what we make sense of doesn't make sense at all. There are some defining moments that prove to a person that what he or she knows is way off the right way, but what if the rest of the moments turned dramatically important and senseless in a way.
I, for example, think I know myself and what I am capable and incapable of doing and accomplishing in life, however, there comes that one moment where the world has turned upside down and you don't know what you know anymore. When that happens, is it the old version of the world that made sense, or the new one? Or is it just a temporary fix till the world bounces upside down again.
In the movie the Matrix and Surrogates, the world was split into two: Reality and Make believe. And in both movies, everyone knew what real land what wasn’t was. But in the real world, what is real and what is not fails to prevail to a normal human being, let alone a complicated one.
For some time now, I have tried making sense of a lot of things in my life, and nothing makes sense any more. However, nothing has really changed, so it could be that it never did and never will make any sense. The only thing that is changing is my thoughts and my thoughts seem to have lost the "old" ways of thinking it used to have in the age of innocence.
The ultimate question is: do we really need to make sense of everything in order to make sense of everything? Or can we just understand the inability of life to be static and understandable. because even if you know it all, you really think you know it all and all that will come back one day and bite you in the ass.
I personally do not get a lot of things in life. And I do believe that a lot of what we make sense of doesn't make sense at all. There are some defining moments that prove to a person that what he or she knows is way off the right way, but what if the rest of the moments turned dramatically important and senseless in a way.
I, for example, think I know myself and what I am capable and incapable of doing and accomplishing in life, however, there comes that one moment where the world has turned upside down and you don't know what you know anymore. When that happens, is it the old version of the world that made sense, or the new one? Or is it just a temporary fix till the world bounces upside down again.
In the movie the Matrix and Surrogates, the world was split into two: Reality and Make believe. And in both movies, everyone knew what real land what wasn’t was. But in the real world, what is real and what is not fails to prevail to a normal human being, let alone a complicated one.
For some time now, I have tried making sense of a lot of things in my life, and nothing makes sense any more. However, nothing has really changed, so it could be that it never did and never will make any sense. The only thing that is changing is my thoughts and my thoughts seem to have lost the "old" ways of thinking it used to have in the age of innocence.
The ultimate question is: do we really need to make sense of everything in order to make sense of everything? Or can we just understand the inability of life to be static and understandable. because even if you know it all, you really think you know it all and all that will come back one day and bite you in the ass.
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