Word of the Day


1. Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn object.
1. Any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
2. A humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, striptease acts. and a scantily clad female chorus.

Love today is part of a sad burlesque called life!


The Guilt-trip Meter

Guilt-tripping has always been an effective way to get someone to do something, not to do something, or to get out of something you are guilty of.

Being a user guilt-tripping, you either are good, really good, or just plain bad. Being a victim of guilt-tripping, you may just be plain too nice and just plain used over and over again.

This is why I believe someone somewhere should invent the Guilt-trip Meter. This meter will be designed I let the 'nice' people tell I that is bullshit or guilt-shit (excuse my French). But until someone does, here are some basic rules:
1. If you are feeling guilt caused by someone for something that you did NOT do, they're users.
2. If you are feeling guilt cause by someone for something that you did DO and had to do, they're users.
3. If you are feeling guilt caused by someone for something that you did do and wanted to do anyways, they are users.
4. If you're doing something you shouldn't do but don't feel guilty than maybe you should.

Here's a small tip for users and receivers, wake up and smell the coffee.

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