I think we have always been there, the very very bad place in the corner of a crowded room with the words "it's not you, its me" barfed out of someone's mouth. These words usually come as comforting explanations in order not to make the person they are ditching feel bad. Bottom line is, its a lie! It may be a "white lie" as some would call it, but, a lie is a lie even if you paint it red.
Even though it may actually work and make a person feel somewhat better, I just want to clarify that when that phrase is said, it only means the exact opposite: IT'S NOT ME, IT's YOU! To make things clearer, it is YOU that is not functioning properly or meshing with ME.
But why do you think people use it as often as they do? When the whole world knows that it doesn't mean what it means and that it means what it doesn't, do they still feel better hearing those words? Have we really become so emotionally gullible that we need to feed on any lies said to make us feel better, even if we don't believe it?
Of course, a nice gesture is a nice gesture, but when that gesture sends the person to the wrong room it just does all the wrong damage. Metaphorically speaking: a person diagnosed with the wrong disease, gets treated for something else, and ills at the other.
As a person that doesn't believe in complete and utter blunt honesty, and as a person that doesn't believe in false compliments, take this as a piece of advice: say the truth, or don't say it at all, and when you do say the truth, tell it like it is:
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