"I see your true colors... thats why I love you".
It is funny how colors have meanings in feelings. The grass is greener, green of jealous, red of love, yellow of friendship, blue of sad, grey of dull, white of pure... etc. But if these were the colors you see the people with then do you see the colors through your eyes or are you really seeing what they're wearing?
Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this can hold the same meaning. if you wear red glasses you'll see the world as red. Catch my drift? So is it what you see or what is shown?
Lets assume that we don't wear glasses that color the world red, and that we see people for the true "colors" that they are. Do you think we'll pick our favorite colors and love them or is it like a rainbow thing? Let's face it, we as humans are very selective. and the fact that we are somewhat perceptive to good and bad at the same time, we think we are accepting beings. But the truth of the matter is, we're not.
It's not me, It's you!

I think we have always been there, the very very bad place in the corner of a crowded room with the words "it's not you, its me" barfed out of someone's mouth. These words usually come as comforting explanations in order not to make the person they are ditching feel bad. Bottom line is, its a lie! It may be a "white lie" as some would call it, but, a lie is a lie even if you paint it red.
Even though it may actually work and make a person feel somewhat better, I just want to clarify that when that phrase is said, it only means the exact opposite: IT'S NOT ME, IT's YOU! To make things clearer, it is YOU that is not functioning properly or meshing with ME.
But why do you think people use it as often as they do? When the whole world knows that it doesn't mean what it means and that it means what it doesn't, do they still feel better hearing those words? Have we really become so emotionally gullible that we need to feed on any lies said to make us feel better, even if we don't believe it?
Of course, a nice gesture is a nice gesture, but when that gesture sends the person to the wrong room it just does all the wrong damage. Metaphorically speaking: a person diagnosed with the wrong disease, gets treated for something else, and ills at the other.
As a person that doesn't believe in complete and utter blunt honesty, and as a person that doesn't believe in false compliments, take this as a piece of advice: say the truth, or don't say it at all, and when you do say the truth, tell it like it is:
Distorted Perfection

It is a common thought that one is one's best critic, but it is in my personal opinion, that this thought is wrong almost 90 percent of the time.
If a person is given the gift of thought and sight, "a good eye for detail", that person may just be a good candidate to be his or her own critic. But what happens when he or she is blinded to their own faults, or worse, see too much?
Its funny how the answer to almost all questions in this universe is answered by two extremes! Everything is either Black or white, good or bad, or in this case, insightful or blind! There are only very few people that are "grey" in this world.
Here are the two best examples:
(Looking at the mirror)
OH dear, I need to lose 10 pounds, get botox, peel this tuck that, scrub this, lipo that, wax this, color that.. etc
Ouh i look FINE. This looks good. hmm.. Maybe a new haircut.
(Going out)
Oh my. I should have worn my other sandals, these make my feet look big. (fidget fidget fidget).. oh my GOD my HAIR and rain don't mesh. Hey, can you see my panties in this?
The weather is nice. Oh look at them pretty boys looking at me. i must look pretty gooooood..
(In relationships)
He thinks I'm fat. I'm sure he thinks I'm FAT.
He left because I'm FAT. I'm so UGLY.
No one will every love me because I'm FAT and UGLY!!
Honey get me a bucket of KFC on your way home.
THAT BASTARD wont find anyone like me.
I need to go out tonight and flirt with a sexy man.
Both oppose each other completely. Who has it right though? Could a person really be too harsh with one self or too mellow? If art needs critics, food needs critics, articles, books, everything needs critics, then why aren't humans good at it? If some are too harsh and unreasonable, I am sure that Leonardo Davinci pushed himself hard to make the Mona Lisa as perfect as he can. Even though it is just a painting, it resembles him!
In the fast world of today, we are given only one chance and written off an judged based upon, mostly, looks. Then, there is no shame in perfecting that "image" that is taken at a first glance. Set aside extreme perfection, I believe that a person should be able to be given the freedom, of at least though, of wanting to be perfect.
Even though some people do go to unbelievable extremes that result in just making matters worse, i believe that one's own critic is a critic that should be pleased within reason. The trick is not to go by the rules of the universe on what a person should like, but, to go by pleasing yourself.
I want to look good so that i think that i look good!
Let's Play

There are millions of different games played out on this planet. Monopoly, Dominos, Poker, Solitaire, Spiderweb, Twister, Hide & Seek, Tag... etc. and we all almost know how to play it all. But what really defines the rules of the game? or better yet, What is the game that the rules define?
It has been a common metaphor to call how people interact as "games", BUT have you ever seen the manual or the guidelines? Where does the book of rules go to when you really need it?
I have always been on a "lucky streak". It is what happens when pure luck combines with a small understanding of the game where you win not because of your pure wit, but because karma has decided it you need it. But in real life, that beginner's luck is just pure misery. What happens when you want to move on and advance to the next level?
Evidently, people get different manuals to different games, problems is, how do you know who's playing what? It can be very chaotic playing with a different set of rules in the wrong game, especially when that game happens to be life where the stakes are higher.
Games has also been associated with bets and stakes, where the winner takes all and the loser goes home. If this is life we're playing, is it ever safe to play? If you're a gambler, that game can be the right adrenaline rush needed to experience life on the dangerous side, but, do you really want to risk it all? The problem is, in life, almost everyone is addicted to gambling and everyone is putting all bets on the table.
Some get good at it, some play for fun, some play for keeps, some are just lucky, and some just aren't. For those who are good at it, how well does that poker face go? Could it be so good that even they believe it or is it simply resembling what it usually does: an undefined facial expression that pretends to be what it isn't but only they know the truth behind the deal?
When you win, you win it all, but when you lose, you lose it ALL.
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