Word of the Day


1. Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn object.
1. Any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
2. A humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, striptease acts. and a scantily clad female chorus.

Love today is part of a sad burlesque called life!



As a child, who didn't want to play, but as an adult, aren't you tired already?

There are millions of games that we can enjoy and there are millions that we wouldnt. Would you try the Russian Roullete? didn't think so.

Who makes the rules here? do YOU? is the ball in your court or his? are you playing it right? don't hate the player, hate the game!

Some may think, as long as its safe or harmless (usually physically), its fine. But, WHY?! I personally am NOT into mind games or mind f**king. I like puzzles. Puzzles are good, solvable, and never harmed anyone. All the pieces are there, you just need to fit them right. Even if you can't, its still there.

Its all fun and game 'till someone gets hurt.

My mother is a firm believer that games and quizes help the brain, prevent early arthritis, preserves memory. But, need she knows of what the term 'game' refers to these days.

Today, games are like a never ending Monopoly; boring and never ending. Sure, its fun at first. But after a few rounds, one might just through in the dice and give up. Whether they're broke, tired, or just simply not up for it, they eventually give up. Leaving the last man or woman standing.

Life as a game, would SUCK! sure its entertaining sometimes, but it gets tiring. It gets old, and it gets to a point where it turnes into a gamble before losing everything.

Play it right!



There is black, there is white, there is light, there is dark, and there are all that falls in between. There is emotional, there is shallow, there is right, there is wrong, and there is good and there is bad. There is mild, there is sharp, there is smart, there is dumb, but what about the undefined?

Ever since mankind can use language to describe a person, mankind mistakenly defined that person based on that word of language. Even though there are millions of words in thousands of languages, one person should not be described in words.

Some people are good, some are bad, and some are grey. They are the uncategorized. Some are nice, some are not, and some might just be the next best thing if they had their morning coffee or not.

There’s an old Arabic saying that reads: ‘everyone sees the world like he or she see their own’. This simply means that people judge other peoples actions and define them as they do their own. I like to call it ‘the world is mine’ syndrome. We fail to recognize that others aren’t like us; they do not see with our eyes or hear with our ears, they do not feel with our soul. Therefore, they should never be judged as we would ourselves.

The uncategorized is everyone, it just depends on who they’re viewed by. Just file them correctly!


Forever Young.....

I wanna be, forever young.....

Do you really want to live forever?.......

I think people like Dracula have made up their minds. But, what about you? Perhaps if given the choice, no one would want to choose death over life, but when you're on the road, you do need it to sometimes end.

Imagine living forever, giving love turns into losing love... losing love turns into losing parts of your soul... or at least I think it is. It is already overwhelming experiencing life as it is. Lets face it: People are NOT easy to live with!

Don't be alarmed, this isn't a suicidal note.

I do however, believe in forever young. Young at heart, and of course, who wouldn't mind looking young as well!

So lets live on.... get those needles, nip & tuck, lets do it, FOREVER YOUNG!