So we hit human number 7 billion last week, did it make a difference? Should it?
It’s amazing with such a growing population, humans are growing to become more human-less each day; Ruthless leaders, Child laborers, human traffickers, and poor poor people who just cannot do anything about it. What's worse is lucky ass bastards like us that are "living the life" and not caring about the rest of the world.
This is not a send you on a guilt trip kind of lesson, but more of a, hey, think of the less fortunate.
If you cry over your phone breaking, some child in another part of the world is crying for a bowl of rice or clean water. You think you had a bad childhood because your mother didn't give you enough candy; some kid is bleeding his hands at working on some "brand" jeans you're wearing now.
Again, I am seriously not trying to send you on a guilt trip, but it seriously could have been a lot worse. Try to think of yourself as insignificant.
If you can't make the world not revolve around you, here's a way to do it oh so subtly: YOU can help the world. Donate, boycott, work, DO SOMETHING, and then you can SO brag about it as much as you want. If I am one of the fortunate people that had to hear about it, say it as many times as you want to, just do something first.
Best Face Forwards...
We usually put our "best face forwards" in interviews, first dates, meeting the parents, and almost any new encounter with a new human being. Sometimes it happens so naturally whether we really care about that person or not.
But what happens if that "face" stays around for too long?! Can you tell the difference if that really is you or you've just gotten used to it you cant make any other faces?!
Perhaps if we put a "bad" face forwards at first, then people will expect the unexpected. Rather than having the good one on then get a slap on with a smile.
But what happens to those incapable of putting on a bad face or some atittude?! Are we really that nice? Maybe not. But, as much as I am afraid of sounding like a "hippie" with world peace in mind, I believe if we take this nice thing seriously, the 7 billionth baby expected to be born on the 31st of October 2011 would be born into a beautiful world.
But what happens if that "face" stays around for too long?! Can you tell the difference if that really is you or you've just gotten used to it you cant make any other faces?!
Perhaps if we put a "bad" face forwards at first, then people will expect the unexpected. Rather than having the good one on then get a slap on with a smile.
But what happens to those incapable of putting on a bad face or some atittude?! Are we really that nice? Maybe not. But, as much as I am afraid of sounding like a "hippie" with world peace in mind, I believe if we take this nice thing seriously, the 7 billionth baby expected to be born on the 31st of October 2011 would be born into a beautiful world.
Crystal Ball, Crystal Ball
Crystal ball crystal ball... Save us all, tell me life is beautiful...
Sometimes I wonder, if there were a crystal ball that we can look into to see the future, see the past, see the present. We are always looking for answers, trying to solve equasions, wondering what if and what not. If we did in some magical ways using a crystal ball, or even a magic 8-ball, knew the answers to everything, will it be the answer that made it happen or what happened that made the answer.
I'd like to believe in believing, in the unanswered. I'd also like to believe that everyone has a crystal ball that reveals the insides of their souls. Whether that crystal is "crystal clear" or not is totally up to the person carying it.
"He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass."
Edgar R. Fiedler
Sometimes I wonder, if there were a crystal ball that we can look into to see the future, see the past, see the present. We are always looking for answers, trying to solve equasions, wondering what if and what not. If we did in some magical ways using a crystal ball, or even a magic 8-ball, knew the answers to everything, will it be the answer that made it happen or what happened that made the answer.
I'd like to believe in believing, in the unanswered. I'd also like to believe that everyone has a crystal ball that reveals the insides of their souls. Whether that crystal is "crystal clear" or not is totally up to the person carying it.
"He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass."
Edgar R. Fiedler
Insignificant Bastards
It’s always in every human’s nature to see himself / herself as the most important being on the planet. We all do it, no matter how old or mature we get, the “I” is “number I”.
I seem to think highly of myself but there are those days, where I decide that the i isn’t capitalized and it is insignificant. Don’t get me wrong it is not a self-esteem issue; it’s more of a “look at the greater picture” or “could’ve been worse” kind of thing. Come to think about it, it could have been worse!
According to the World Wide Web, there are 6,989,804,337 people populating this earth up to second. If each one has a billion problems can we do the math? Some people are worse off of course. There are starving children, abused mothers, raped girls, drug addicts, wrongfully accused and heartbroken people all over the world. But who gets to decide who’s got it bad?
Today I am letting the I step aside for an i and think about the bigger picture. Its also the day I decide not to complain about it to people with bigger problems cause that’s just insensitive. So I’ll just write about it.
I seem to think highly of myself but there are those days, where I decide that the i isn’t capitalized and it is insignificant. Don’t get me wrong it is not a self-esteem issue; it’s more of a “look at the greater picture” or “could’ve been worse” kind of thing. Come to think about it, it could have been worse!
According to the World Wide Web, there are 6,989,804,337 people populating this earth up to second. If each one has a billion problems can we do the math? Some people are worse off of course. There are starving children, abused mothers, raped girls, drug addicts, wrongfully accused and heartbroken people all over the world. But who gets to decide who’s got it bad?
Today I am letting the I step aside for an i and think about the bigger picture. Its also the day I decide not to complain about it to people with bigger problems cause that’s just insensitive. So I’ll just write about it.
Heart Break
Many unforeseen events can cause a heart to break or explode. Not a bullet through the heart but other "non-tangible" knives to the heart. Unfortunately it is commonly known that heartbreak comes from HIM or HER.
Today, I suffer from a broken heart but HE did not break it nor did she. Today it just broke itself. Maybe i just fail to distingish the difference between heartache and heart break but it is all just pain.
Apart from the sudden "bullet to the heart" that tears the heart apart, I came up with a new theory: the heart it’s frozen, making it more fragile to break to the touch. It may be the cleanest way of a heart break, or cutting through a piece of muscle that strong, or the least painful and mostly numb, but it still breaks the heart.
If you can still feel your heart, go ahead and duck tape it back together.
Today, I suffer from a broken heart but HE did not break it nor did she. Today it just broke itself. Maybe i just fail to distingish the difference between heartache and heart break but it is all just pain.
Apart from the sudden "bullet to the heart" that tears the heart apart, I came up with a new theory: the heart it’s frozen, making it more fragile to break to the touch. It may be the cleanest way of a heart break, or cutting through a piece of muscle that strong, or the least painful and mostly numb, but it still breaks the heart.
If you can still feel your heart, go ahead and duck tape it back together.
Better To Have Loved and Lost...
Than to have never loved at all...
Better not to have loved at all... than to have loved and lost?!!
It is human nature to protect one's heart. The heart is what keeps us alive, physically and emotionally. Set aside the physical dangers that may keep you from living, what about the emotional dangers.
We build walls and building blocks around our heart so that we'd never feel the agony of loss! we might even go as far as making minefields and war-zones so far around it. But for what?!
Think of it this way, your heart is a coffee machine: got to push that button to get it started. You do of course need good coffee, water, etc. sometimes get a bad grind, but hey, at the end of the day, if you like coffee, you got to do it.
Never mind the ongoing never-ending argument, it is my personal belief that you live only once, and feel only so much. It is my own quest to live and feel every feeling I am capable of feeling, because I CAN and I WANT to.
Better not to have loved at all... than to have loved and lost?!!
It is human nature to protect one's heart. The heart is what keeps us alive, physically and emotionally. Set aside the physical dangers that may keep you from living, what about the emotional dangers.
We build walls and building blocks around our heart so that we'd never feel the agony of loss! we might even go as far as making minefields and war-zones so far around it. But for what?!
Think of it this way, your heart is a coffee machine: got to push that button to get it started. You do of course need good coffee, water, etc. sometimes get a bad grind, but hey, at the end of the day, if you like coffee, you got to do it.
Never mind the ongoing never-ending argument, it is my personal belief that you live only once, and feel only so much. It is my own quest to live and feel every feeling I am capable of feeling, because I CAN and I WANT to.

Cause your friends are my friends

I’m writing this with a smile on my face. I’m writing this with love and happiness. I LOVE friends! And no I am not talking about F.R.I.E.N.D.S, which I do love, but I’m talking about all the people that have touched my life in ways that I could not imagine.
Friends are the cushion that we rest our heads on. No matter how long and tiring, how stressful, how hectic, how crazy, how miserable your day was, you always go back to the place you started your day; YOUR BED! And what use is your bed without that fluffy feeling of ecstasy that you rest your head on?!
Fairytale Gone Bad

Did you grow up watching Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and all the disney fairytales stories? If you answered YES then, may the Lord have mercy on your soul. Sure, its nice to "sugercoat" things sometimes, but you can't really sugarcoat life now can you.
Our generation, unlike other generations, unfortunately has been mislead to believe the world is like a fairytale where you will always get your happy ending. These misconceptions were made by watching movies that not only disoriented the truth, but gave us hope to do the impossible.
Have you ever noticed how it is always black or white?! Not to the literal meaning of black or white, but that in all those movies, things are either good or evil. And there's always ONE evil person that trying to make the world a bad place using magical powers and being worshiped by deformed monster-like creatures.
In what twisted world does a witchy stepmother talk to a mirror and give us poison apples or try to kill us? Did this not make a bad stereotype about stepmothers?
What about Prince Charming? Was he not the man of our dreams? Is he still not?
These stories have managed to make the prince who's got it all, and if I may add is either a player or a commitment phobic, a man who falls in love and fights fire-breathing dragons and give us the kiss of life. This is why our perception of the truth is deformed. This is why when we get burned, we turn into ash instead of having a burn-mark. This is why we hope and hope until we've run out of hope because these movies have told us that he WILL fall in LOVE and marry you.
How many frogs are we expected to kiss till we've turned one into a prince? How many endless hours of nights must we wait locked up in some tower? Or when are we going to start speaking a language we never heard just by "listening to our heart"?
We all need to wake up and smell the lies.

As a child, who didn't want to play, but as an adult, aren't you tired already?
There are millions of games that we can enjoy and there are millions that we wouldnt. Would you try the Russian Roullete? didn't think so.
Who makes the rules here? do YOU? is the ball in your court or his? are you playing it right? don't hate the player, hate the game!
Some may think, as long as its safe or harmless (usually physically), its fine. But, WHY?! I personally am NOT into mind games or mind f**king. I like puzzles. Puzzles are good, solvable, and never harmed anyone. All the pieces are there, you just need to fit them right. Even if you can't, its still there.
Its all fun and game 'till someone gets hurt.
My mother is a firm believer that games and quizes help the brain, prevent early arthritis, preserves memory. But, need she knows of what the term 'game' refers to these days.
Today, games are like a never ending Monopoly; boring and never ending. Sure, its fun at first. But after a few rounds, one might just through in the dice and give up. Whether they're broke, tired, or just simply not up for it, they eventually give up. Leaving the last man or woman standing.
Life as a game, would SUCK! sure its entertaining sometimes, but it gets tiring. It gets old, and it gets to a point where it turnes into a gamble before losing everything.
Play it right!
There are millions of games that we can enjoy and there are millions that we wouldnt. Would you try the Russian Roullete? didn't think so.
Who makes the rules here? do YOU? is the ball in your court or his? are you playing it right? don't hate the player, hate the game!
Some may think, as long as its safe or harmless (usually physically), its fine. But, WHY?! I personally am NOT into mind games or mind f**king. I like puzzles. Puzzles are good, solvable, and never harmed anyone. All the pieces are there, you just need to fit them right. Even if you can't, its still there.
Its all fun and game 'till someone gets hurt.
My mother is a firm believer that games and quizes help the brain, prevent early arthritis, preserves memory. But, need she knows of what the term 'game' refers to these days.
Today, games are like a never ending Monopoly; boring and never ending. Sure, its fun at first. But after a few rounds, one might just through in the dice and give up. Whether they're broke, tired, or just simply not up for it, they eventually give up. Leaving the last man or woman standing.
Life as a game, would SUCK! sure its entertaining sometimes, but it gets tiring. It gets old, and it gets to a point where it turnes into a gamble before losing everything.
Play it right!
There is black, there is white, there is light, there is dark, and there are all that falls in between. There is emotional, there is shallow, there is right, there is wrong, and there is good and there is bad. There is mild, there is sharp, there is smart, there is dumb, but what about the undefined?
Ever since mankind can use language to describe a person, mankind mistakenly defined that person based on that word of language. Even though there are millions of words in thousands of languages, one person should not be described in words.
Some people are good, some are bad, and some are grey. They are the uncategorized. Some are nice, some are not, and some might just be the next best thing if they had their morning coffee or not.
There’s an old Arabic saying that reads: ‘everyone sees the world like he or she see their own’. This simply means that people judge other peoples actions and define them as they do their own. I like to call it ‘the world is mine’ syndrome. We fail to recognize that others aren’t like us; they do not see with our eyes or hear with our ears, they do not feel with our soul. Therefore, they should never be judged as we would ourselves.
The uncategorized is everyone, it just depends on who they’re viewed by. Just file them correctly!
Ever since mankind can use language to describe a person, mankind mistakenly defined that person based on that word of language. Even though there are millions of words in thousands of languages, one person should not be described in words.
Some people are good, some are bad, and some are grey. They are the uncategorized. Some are nice, some are not, and some might just be the next best thing if they had their morning coffee or not.
There’s an old Arabic saying that reads: ‘everyone sees the world like he or she see their own’. This simply means that people judge other peoples actions and define them as they do their own. I like to call it ‘the world is mine’ syndrome. We fail to recognize that others aren’t like us; they do not see with our eyes or hear with our ears, they do not feel with our soul. Therefore, they should never be judged as we would ourselves.
The uncategorized is everyone, it just depends on who they’re viewed by. Just file them correctly!
Forever Young.....
I wanna be, forever young.....
Do you really want to live forever?.......
I think people like Dracula have made up their minds. But, what about you? Perhaps if given the choice, no one would want to choose death over life, but when you're on the road, you do need it to sometimes end.
Imagine living forever, giving love turns into losing love... losing love turns into losing parts of your soul... or at least I think it is. It is already overwhelming experiencing life as it is. Lets face it: People are NOT easy to live with!
Don't be alarmed, this isn't a suicidal note.
I do however, believe in forever young. Young at heart, and of course, who wouldn't mind looking young as well!
So lets live on.... get those needles, nip & tuck, lets do it, FOREVER YOUNG!
Do you really want to live forever?.......
I think people like Dracula have made up their minds. But, what about you? Perhaps if given the choice, no one would want to choose death over life, but when you're on the road, you do need it to sometimes end.
Imagine living forever, giving love turns into losing love... losing love turns into losing parts of your soul... or at least I think it is. It is already overwhelming experiencing life as it is. Lets face it: People are NOT easy to live with!
Don't be alarmed, this isn't a suicidal note.
I do however, believe in forever young. Young at heart, and of course, who wouldn't mind looking young as well!
So lets live on.... get those needles, nip & tuck, lets do it, FOREVER YOUNG!
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