"Mirror mirror ont he wall...
Who's the fairest of them all...??"
It is said that friends and family are the true mirror in which you should see your self in. But what if, that mirror was foggy or needed a new prescription. What if, and this maybe an old concept, but what if beauty really was in the eye of the beholder?
There's an old arabic proverb that translates into this: The monkey is a gazelle in his mother's eyes. The whole meaning of it is not to confuse people of two completely different species but its to explain one perception that I believe to be true: LOVE MAKES US BLIND.
In LOVE he is beautiful, in love you are too.
In HATE she is ugly, in hate you smell too.
I may not be a mother and know how it feels to look at the ugliest thing that can ever come out of the womb and call it beautiful, but i do believe that love makes a person more beautiful. Think of the evolution of friendship between you and another friend: she maybe ugly at first but because you love her more and more, she is beautiful. It goes the other way around too. He may be the most gorgeous man you have ever set your eyes on, but because he is an a**, he looks uglier and uglier.
Beauty isn't really in the eye of the beholder, beauty is in the relationship.